Solar chips to cool and waterproof the roof
Many efforts have done to protect roofs from heat and rain, which often fail and waste capital. For this, Professor Munawar Ahmad Malik has developed solar chips by making a special formula, which has been making its mark in the field for 20 years.
Solar chips are registered in the name of Professor Munawar Ahmed Malik and are among his more than 50 inventions. It is applied on the roof like ordinary chips by strip, rough. Its grinding and polishing are also similar to ordinary chips. It keeps ceilings and rooms cool, with a lifetime guarantee.
Solar chips are available at different prices to suit small and large houses.

This Technology is invented by Professor Munawar Ahmad Malik, CEO of SOBER Technologies Islamabad. SOBER Technologies International company is basically promoting and producing new technologies, innovations and inventions developed by prof. Munawar Ahmad Malik, a renowned scientist of Pakistan and inventor of more than 50 inventions.
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